The village of Kefalovrysi (also known as Thermon) has a nice country square with inns and restaurants.
Ancient Thermon (or Palaio Bazari) was the Etolian spiritual center, with an annual festival when magistrates were elected.
This festival was also a fair with athletic games; its sanctuary was dedicated to Apollo Thermios, the temple dedicated to him possibly built of sun dried brick.
Wood and terracotta were also used in the entabulature and the friezes.
When Philip II of Macedon sacked this town in 218BC, he destroyed 2000 of the statues that had been collected here.
These ruins were excavated in 1898-1916 by the Greek Archaeological Service.
At a lower level were found traces of the foundations of a temple of the Geometric period;at a still lower level, and to the north, were found houses of a prehistoric village, one of them quite large and well constructed with an apsidal end.
A Fountain, which still functions, is to the south,with three spouts, and stoas mark the Agora (above right).
There's an Archeological museum here, with with Archaic terracotta metopes, decorative fragments from the Temple, Middle Bronze age pottery, part of a Mycenaean helmet, and beautiful bronze horses mounted on a single base, which dates from the Geometric period.
You can return to Agrinio along the south shore of the lake (72km). There are road connecting Agrinion with Karpenissi to the east, which town is in Evritania province.