Bezesteni covered market. Corner of Venizelou and Egnatia. Houses jewelry shops and others with pricey items. Hamza Bey Tzami across from Bezesteni. 15th century mosque built as such (unlike the many mosques in Thessaloniki which were converted from Orthodox churches). Yeni Tzami on a side street near Vasilissis Olgas. The last mosque built in Thessaloniki (1904), a Nouveau Art building in oriental style designed by an Italian architect and resembling a synagogue from Sephardic Spain and Portugal. It was funded by the community of wealthy Thessaloniki Jews called Donme or Ma'min who were members 17th century sect that followed a 'false messiah' named Sabbatai Zvi who was forced to convert to Islam, with the Donme following suit, resulting in a strange mix of Ottoman Muslim and Sephardic Jew. Open for special exhibitions.
Panayia Halkeon
Small brick church from 11th century. Local coppersmiths guild mosque (halkos meaning copper) during Ottoman times. There are some frescoes and
good icons here. (open daily 7:30-11:30 am).
Ayios Yeorgios off of Egnatia at northeast end of Filippou. This church was once originally the Roman Rotunda, originally
designed as a mausoleum; converted during the 4th century as an Orthodox church and later an important mosque during Ottoman times. Restored after
earthquake of 1978. (Open Tues-Fri 8am-7pm;Sat and Sun 8:30am to 3pm;free).
Arch of Galerius remains of a domed arcade that led to Roman palaces, of which the Rotunda was also a part. Commemorated victories over
the Persians during the 3rd century AD. Battle scenes in relief on the columns. Via Egnatia, east end.
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