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Monastiraki Square Souvenir Hunting Page 2

For one thing, if you are leaving Greece from Athens, you will probably want to buy a few gifts and souvenirs. Rather than lug these around on your travels, scope out what's here and then compare prices and selection with what you come across during your trip to other parts of Greece. When you're back in Athens swoop down to Monastiraki and buy the stuff that's less expensive and more appealing and then catch your flight.

sandals cd's cretan lyra's for sale

More often than not MONASTIRAKI will give you a better selection and price. Of course, this won't hold true for hand made items specific to a certain village, island or craftsperson. There are a myriad of items for sale here from the gaudy to the unique. Trust me, take your time, and check out the whole area which is quite extensive. You can do a hard target search in 3-4 hours.

ephestiou street more more

guitars efestiou efestiou st

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