The American Embassy in Athens, Greece assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or reputation of the persons or medical facilities whose names appear of the following lists. Lists are provided as a convenience to American citizens in Greece and in no way constitutes an official recommendation by the U.S. Government or its representatives. All listed practitioners speak English.
Doctor's fees can vary considerably. It is recommended that you inquire about fees in advance. Although some doctors may request payment in dollars, that is illegal; all bills can be settled in drachmas. Be sure to get a formal receipt.
There is always a pharmacy open for after hours, weekends, holidays, night and day. Each pharmacy places a card in the window after they close. The card will list the times and the pharmacy in your area that is open. On the weekends, there would be two cards, one for Saturday and one for Sunday. If you have difficulty, you may have to ask for help from a passerby or neighbor. The on call pharmacies are also listed in the English language newspaper "Athens News" which is published every Friday morning. The pharmacies can also be found on their web site: Click on "useful info" then scroll down to "today's emergency pharmacies".
For those of you who live near the airport, the pharmacy "Vassiliadis A.E." at the El. Venizelos Athens International Airport, is open from 06:00 a.m. to 24:00. Telephone number is 3533-333.
HYGEIA HOSPITALMy Girlfriend's Gynocologist (whom she raves about)
Dr. Dimitrios Kokkalis, Aghia Meletiou 86, Kypseli, Athens Tel:210-866-8700, Mobile 6944-879601
FALAGAS, Matthew "Errikos Dunant" Hospital |
9 Neapoleos & Kifissias Streets 151 23 New Filothei |
210-683-9600 210-697-2000 |
KALAVRYTINOS, Ioannis Hygeia Hospital |
296 Kifissias Avenue 151 23 Halandri |
210 685-8654 210-686-7146 6932-406665 |
OB-GYN | TSIONOU, Christina | 4 Semitelou Street 115 28 Athens |
210 775-7016 210-686-9000 6944-731910 |
LINOS, Dimitris | 227 Kifissias Avenue 145 61 Kifissia |
210 612-5001 210-686-7113 6944-301910 |
PEDIATRICIAN | HARALAMBIDIS, Vassos Metropolitan Hospital |
7 Adrianoupoleos Street 161 21 Kaisariani |
210-480-9000 210-766-9100 6977-434444 |
11 Skoufa Street 106 73 Athens 4 Eginitou & V. Sophias Ave. 115 28 Athens |
210-362-4477 210-721-9070 |