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About Syntagma Square Page 2

click to see larger syntagma map athensThe current Vouli, formerly the Palace du Roi or Royal Palace, is a large building built in the years 1834-38 and faced with Pendelic marble and limestone and was designed by Gartner of Munich.

They ran out of money so it looks half finished and like  barracks.




the Greek Parliment  at nightJust behind the Vouli or Parliament Building (photo) are the barracks of the Presidential guard and you'll see an occasional commando, all done up in camouflage but casually smoking, peeping at you through the bushes and iron bars along Vasilissis Sofia's Avenue as you pass by. (Incidentally 50% of all Greeks, women included, smoke cigarettes.)


1834 Athens planSyntagma Sq's main arteries are primarily named for function and after Bavarian royalty dating from the city planning stages during the 1830's by the Bavarians hired architects - many of which city plans and schemata, unfortunately did not come to fruition.

This particular plan right looks like its more for a walled castle see more Athens plans. I have to admit the topography is difficult centered as Athens is around the Acropolis or 'Holy Rock' (as some patriots still call it).

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