There are 3 Syntagma Metro entrances and a Tram Terminus as well as several bus routes meeting here. Syntagma is an easy to get to spot. Click for official Transport route map of Athens? .pdf map of Athens bus, tram and everything routes?
Below left is just one of the 3 metro entrances to the Syntagma Sq. Metro Station. This particular one is at the bottom of the stone stairs. There is a handicapped elevator as well. Below center is the tram platform terminus which is on the high ground kitty corner to the Tomb. The tram, will take you to Glyfada or to Phaliron, Athens closest beaches. Across from the tram is another stairwell to take you down to the metro station. Its between the Tomb and the National Gardens. There is another metro stairwell further on towards the famous Grande Bretagne Hotel as well.
And all these streets are so centrally located that they are hard to avoid, you will probably pass thru one of the squares main streets whether you know it or not on your arrival
to Athens.
These major streets can be tricky to cross as a pedestrian too so be careful and cross with the little green men. Many times there will be a traffic policeman going counter to the lights so walk defensively. In the photo left you will see a busy group crossing Phillhellinon St. One of the busiest of Athens' streets.