Greek Post Offices and banks aren't just places to mail things or deposit money. They offer Greeks the convenience to pay other state or quasi-official type bills such as taxes and state run insurance, phone, water and up until very recently, electric bills. Expect long lines at banks and at the busier Post Office's, really long lines. You can buy Phone Cards at Greek Post Offices.
As you wait in these lines, sometimes sitting, sometimes standing, you'll be glad you took a number from the dispenser as you entered. Exactly like a deli service number back home at the super market or bakery. Look around for the dispenser, its usually near the entrance but can be blocked by large crowds or potted plants.
If you plan ahead there are a myriad of things you can do while in line at a Greek Post Office or bank. I wont list them all for you here but, you could, for example, practice your Greek language phrases.
Ti Pati-sa-me would be appropriate in this situation and means: "we stepped in it'.
A good book like War & Peace, Moby Dick or the Hitch-hikers Guide to the Galaxy is always recommended when going to the Greek Post Office or bank!
A chair or folding stool and a picnic lunch are other possibilities along with a transistor radio or portable TV.
Greeks never pay any bills by bank-check via envelope and mailbox because they don't have checking accounts. Instead they have pass book accounts. Only businesses have checking accounts or rich people. Also, if you gave Greeks checking accounts, not only would people write bad checks but people who worked as tellers or in other related jobs would loose jobs. The Socialists don't want this to happen as it would cost them votes!
More about Greece Postal System and Tips page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4