Along the waterfront in Skopelos Town, you'll find many eateries. Skopelos is known for plum and prune based recipes and many tavernas have at least one plum or prune based offering on the menu.
Several bars with a variety of music to offer can be found in Skopelos Town. Glossa has a less varied night life scene, but is home to a good taverna.
See our Greece hotels for a complete look at accommodations available on this island. There are a number of good choices in Skopelos Town. Glossa has fewer beds available.
Prince Staphylos of Crete colonized Skopelos. The Cretans founded the islands three settlements. Staphylos' name means grape, and the local wine was described as an aphrodisiac by Aristophanes. Wine and olive oil have been important exports for Skopelos. The wine industry has suffered recently from diseased vines. Many vines died and have not been replanted.
Filippo Gizzi, a Ventian renegade, used Skopelos as his headquarters. In 1538, the island was attacked by Barbarossa. The island has been used as a refuge from the Turks, and in 1805, the Skopelitians joined in the revolt. In the 1820's the population boomed, with almost 70,000 people scrabbling for food on the small island.
I really like this island. Skopelos is one of my favorite islands. The abundance of Scandinavian babes doesn't hurt either.
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