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Sparta, ancient and modern in Laconia Prefecture Page Seven

Inside the gate is a Roman portico from the first century AD. There are two ruined 11th century churches farther on and the Theater, built into the side of the hill around 2nd-1st centuries AD. It is the second largest theater in Greece (after Megalopolis) though much of its masonry was used in fortifications or was quarried for Mystra. It was used for public meetings as well as for plays, and had a movable stage building on wheels the tracks of which can still be discerned. Above the theater a fragment of the Temple of Athina Haliakou is marked by a sign, and there are very low ruins at the top of the hill of the 10th Byzantine church and monastery of Osios Nikon.

The results of emergency excavations underneath the modern town attest to the prosperity of this city durng Roman times, with mosaics and fine houses. The Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia is below a path that descends from Odhos Tripoleos. This is the place where the floggings of boys in endurance tests was carried out sometimes to the point of death, according to Roman geographer and travel writer Pausanius, who added that the earlier temple altar had to be stained with blood for the goddess to be satisfied, perhaps inspiring the Romans later. The sanctuary exisited in the 10th century BC , and a temple during the Archaic period occupied the same spot, as well as a later Roman theater even later, the main ruins here being the seats from the latter.

Sparta Page One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine