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Sparta, ancient and modern in Laconia Prefecture Page Nine

This was the location of the great July festival of Hyakinthia which celebrated the reconciliation of the Dorians and Achaians. Hyakinthos was a pre-Greek deity. The site was occupied continuously from Mycenaean times. The church of Aghia Paraskevi may occupy the site of the Sanctuary of Zeus-Agamemnon and Alexandhra-Kassandhra.

A huge votive find with hero-reliefs was unearthed in 1956 near here, dating to the Archaic period. Amyklai was the ancient capital of the Mycenaeans in Lakonia, and was most likely located at nearly Palaiopiryi which is the largest Late Helladic settlement yet found in Lakonia.

Sparti museum Roman period mosiacThe Archaeological Museum in Sparta on Aghios Nikonos, is open Mon-Sat 8:30am-3pm, Sun 9:30am -2:30pm; 2euros admission. Votive offerings found at the Sanctuary of Apollo Amyklaios are among its more interesting exhibits, including sickles set in stone which were prizes given to Spartan youths and rededicated to the goddess, and a marble bust of a running Spartan warrior, found on the Acropolis and believed to be of Leonidas. There are also fragments of Hellenistic and Roman mosaics and small lead figurines from the Sanctuary of Artemis Orthia. Another worthwhile stop while in Sparta is the Museum of the Olive and Greek Olive Oil (open Wed-Mon, in summer 10am-2pm & 5-7pm; in winter 10am-4pm; 2 euros admission) at Othonos and Amalias 129. This museum, which opened in 2002, details the history, uses and technology related to olives and olive oil.

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