favorite place(s) to price-buy bulk tea for the home is just off Athinas Street in downtown
Athens center and SITUATED ON EURIPIDIES ST. or in Greek parlance
E-Vre Pee-doo.
There you will find several shops carryin over 500 items from all over the world including the loofas you see hanging outside. Loofas are dried gourds imported from Tunisia and Egypt and make good defoiliating implements for your skin/body.
I just returned from Elixir and purchased 1 kg of Sri Lanken orange pekoe tea for X.50 EU, 1 kg of Chinese Green tea for 10 Eu and half a kg of Nepalese tea for 10 Eu. Its a bit dark in the store as sun light harms the products so these pictures could be better.
Recently prices have gone up and I get a better deal one store closer to Athinas. 8 eu the kilo
I think you'll find the selection and prices excellent if you are a tea drinker.
He also has an all natural cosmetics store a couple of blocks away too!