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Greece Travel Pharmacy Tips Page 2

So what if its an Emergency and the Pharmacy is closed?

By law they have this work around called the Duty Pharmacy(s) in each neighborhood that is open on weekends but not every weekend and not all day on the one day of the two days that they could be open but only for the one shift of the 3 shifts of that particular day because each day has three shifts.

  • Different Pharmacies are Open From
  • 8 am to 8 pm
  • 8 am to 2 pm and 5 pm to midnight
  • 8 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to 8 am

So how do you find out which pharmacies are open on the weekend?
If you speak Greek you can call this number and listen to the recording: 1434
If you don't speak Greek and its an emergency you can call Doctors S.O.S. at: 1016 and hope that someone there speaks English.

If you can get to a closed Pharmacy there is another law that says they have to have a sign in the window telling people where the Duty Pharmacies are. I hope you brought your glasses because this sign isn't taped to the window for all to see, its just laid up against the glass and may or may not be obscured by a dusty prosthetic device or shoe display. The  weekly Athens News is a good source for the duty pharmacy as is the daily Kathimerini English Edition but both are only as good as the information they are given and because its happened to me, I can tell you that the recordings are sometimes wrong and so are the signs in the window. Always try and call ahead to see if that particular pharmacy really is open. Try to take care of your pharmacy needs before they mushroom into major problems.

A good relationship with your pharmacists is nice but not mandatory. Most of them speak English to some extent or have a friend who speaks English or French or German. In general pharmacists are friendly and helpful and if open a good place to buy what you need. Better do it first chance you get too!

Dramamine is a drug for people that get sea sick, its a substance that deadens the nerves in your stomach wall so you don't get seasick. Its cheap and it works within half an hour but only if you take it before you get seasick. It'll take longer if you wait and you will feel sick! Kiosks in ports often sell dramamine too!

For you ladies Pharmacies sell feminine devices and more. They also sell vitamins, prophylactics, orthopedic shoes, toothbrushes and the all natural Greek makeup Kores.

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