There are also finds from the sixth to fifth centuries BC from 121 different tombs in the Sindos cemetery to the west of the city, including weapons, Ilyrian helmets with gold leaf, gold face masks, welded iron chariots and carts, filigreed women's jewelry. Another exhitbit deals with prehistoric dwellings in Macedonia from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age. A truly outstanding museum. Open Mon 12:30-7pm;Tues-Fri 8am-7pm).
The actual Via Egnatia followed the ancient city walls, the modern street of this name having been an important Roman thoroughfare. Though there are some Roman and Ottoman monuments along it, more plentiful and significant are the Byzantine ones, some of which are listed below.
The Museum of Byzantine Culture at Stratou 2, east of the Archaeological Museum, opened in 1994, and houses Byzantine antiquities from Thessaloniki. Sculptures, inscriptions, icons, embroidery. Early Christian tombs from excavations, including paintings from them. (Open Mon 12:30-7pm;Tues-Sun 8am-7pm in summer; Mon 10:30am-5pm; Tues to Sun 8:30am-3pm in winter; 4euros)
Museum of Ancient, Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Musical Instruments Katouni 12-14 in the Ladhadika district. Compared with the wonderful folk instrument museum in Plaka in Athens, this one is a disappointment, with no recordings offered for one to hear the sound of the instruments, which are themselves only presented in reproductions of art objects with fanciful interpretations. The ground floor is better, with art and photography exhibitions.
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