Greek Bakeries are wonderful places and the way to find them as you travel from village to village is to follow your nose or ask a local for the "foor-nos" or oven. Most villages of any size will have a central square with a bakery near by. Besides baking flour products for sale, the bakeries also have, for a small fee, a holiday tradition of cooking pre-made casserole dishes brought to the bakery by individual households (usually for large parties of visitors).
There are many styles of Greek bread to choose from and I think you will find that they are less expensive, about a euro a loaf, than what they cost back home. Your everyday loaves of bead are pictured left and can be round or rectangular.
Some styles are particular to a time of year or religious holiday to be exact. Arrive at the baker before ten in the morning and the bread may still be hot. Dark bread, Sour Dough & Rye breads or 'scissile' are difficult to find. Besides bread, many bakers also make a wide assortment of cookies and and bread sticks of which they're are far too many to really cover here. Some are sweet and some are salty. They are invariably sold by weight. Many larger bakeries also sell the items below.