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Greek Numbers in Translation

1 = Ena  20 = Ikosi  90 = Eneninda 
2 = Dio  21 = IkosiEna and so on  91 = EnenindaEna and so on
3 = Tria  30 = Trianda  100 = Ekato 
4 = Tesera  31 = TriandaEna and so on 200 = Diakosia 
5 = Pente  40 = Saranda  300 = Triakosia 
6 = Exi  41 = SarandaEna and so on 400 = Tetrakosia 
7 = Efta  50 = Peninda  500 = Pendakosia 
8 = Okto  51 = PenindaEna and so on 600 = Exakosia 
9 = Enia  60 = Exinda  700 = Eftakosia 
10 = Deka  61 = ExindaEna and so on 800 = Oktakosia 
11 = Endeka  70 = Evdominda  900 = Eniakosia 
12 = Dodeka  71 = EvdomindaEna and so on 1,000 = Chilia 
13 = DekaTria (Deka+Tria)  80 = Ogdonda  2,000 = Dio hill-yia-dez etc. 
14 = DekaTesera (Deka+Tesera) etc.  81 = OgdondaEna and so on 1,000,000 = Ena Ekatomirio 

  • A Euro is pronounced 'Evro' like saying 'Ever'.
  • Any number from 1 to 1,000,000 is always a combination of the above.
  • When talking about prices the ending of the hundreds turns into -sies.
  • For example 500 = Pendakosies.
  • For more than a thousand you say the number plus the word hill-yia-dez.
  • For example 5,000 = Pende hill-yia-dez.
  • For more than a million you say the number plus the word Ekatomiria.
  • For example 3,000,000 = Tria Ekatomiria, 200,000,000 = Diakosia (not Diakosies) Ekatomiria.
  • Greek for Drachmas is Drachmes.
  • If you would like to learn more Greek, all you have to do is visit Greece!!!! Greek should be relatively easy Europeans and English speaking people, since all  Indo-European languages contain at least 35% Greek words. and if we take into consideration that Latin derived from Greek, then more than 70% of the words are of Greek origin. In the medical, scientific & technological world at least 85% is Greek. Therefore, with a little bit of effort and some determination, you should be able to speak basic Greek within a couple of months time!

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